In Stride Equestrian

14yo Lusitano Gelding
Brillo is a lovely well schooled Lusitano gelding with wonderful collection and self carraige in all 3 gaits. This solid 3rd level horse knows his job well and enjoys the trails just as much as work in the arena.

11yo WB/TB cross
This safe and dependable gelding will take care of you in the arena, as well as on the trail. Trained at a solid 1st level, this guy is light to the aids and can do just about anything!

11yo Arabian Mare
This lovely and well schooled mare is confident and always ready for an adventure! Ridden to 3rd level and schooled in some high school movements (terre a terre/levade). She is as smart as they come and loves to learn!

10yo WB/TB cross
Coco is a quiet and mild tempered mare with a willingness to please. She looks forward to work and is just as lovely off property as she is at home in the arena or out on the trail.

9yo Arabian Mare
This petite and typey mare loves to connect and bond with people! She is willing and has lovely forward movement in all 3 gaits. She loves to be out on the trail and is a comfortable ride.

12yo Quarter Pony
This spunky little mare is so much fun! She loves to go on adventures, conquer obstacles and see what's next on the trail. She is willing and agreeable in the arena and is responsive to aids at all 3 gaits.

Stay tuned for up and coming sale horses!
prices to fit all budgets!
We provide kind, safe and well schooled horses for riders at all phases and walks of life! Contact us today to be matched with your perfect equine partner!